LAYERING my quilt sandwich ala SHARON SCHAMBER


Link to Sharon Schamber’s You tube videos

Hand Basting using boards

Several years ago when I started getting interested in FREE MOTION QUILTING I watched all the YOU TUBE videos I could find. I found several by Sharon Schambers. I started using her method because I did not like putting my quilt sandwich on a bed or the floor. I could use my sewing table for most quilts and it was the perfect height. For really large quilts I go to the guild or a local sewing group and use their big tables. I figure if this method works for Sharon Schambers it will be good enough for me. I like not having to strain my back so I will keep using this method. I posted my links so you can see her video. YOU will notice I use a separate trim board for each layer. I think Sharon used only one set, but I found this the easiest method and all my layers come out nice, flat and well aligned.

My current baby quilt is now loaded and I will be hand basting it this weekend so I can start the free motion quilting. I use DMC embroidery cotton or a fine pearl cotton, usually in white. I have also heard of using WASHABLE THREAD for the basting the quilt and not removing the thread but I think that is a waste of expensive thread. Once I have the quilt top basted together I can free motion quilt and remove the thread as I go. I find that this type of basting keep the layers together and there are no puckers on the back of the quilt.

I will post updates of the quilt as I go along.




3 thoughts on “LAYERING my quilt sandwich ala SHARON SCHAMBER

  1. I have done Sharon’s basting method 3 times now, all with mixed results. I don’t know if it had to do with having the backing on the straight of grain or the amount of piecing that was done on the quilt top, but when it came to FMQ, I had a lot of bubbles, both on the front and back. I’m not a fan of safety pins, ( I run over them) and spray basting has it’s problems, too (besides the cost).

    1. I keep my layers taught that is why I uses three boards on each side. I found it works better for me. I work from the center out smoothing the fabrics as I go to the outside of the quilt. I also seemed to stitch smaller areas then what Ms Schamers seemed to do … but that could just be me… I used a herringbone stitch but sometimes cross stitch cause that was the type of stitches that worked out. It does seem to take more time to do than pinning but so far I am getting good results.

      It took me a couple tries to get the technique to work but it is better than scrambling on the floor. CINDY NEEDHAM DESIGN IT, QUILT IT …. showed a really good layering technique in her Craftsy class. She gave very detailed layering instructions that I think will be helpful in the future… she uses pins and clamps but explains in details how to avoid bubbles and pleats in the back… YOU might want to try her method.

      Nonnie 2-13-2013

      NONNIE1988 …… I am now on Craftsy… follow me and I would love to follow you and all my other on line friends.


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